If you reload your save after the conversation, you can actually speak to her again and get that experience one more time, over and over again. If you play the game over again, and over again from there, your Charm and Intimidate skills will slowly increase as each play-through grants you Spectre status. Your Intimidate and Charm ratings are automatically upped when you become a Spectre. Now click on that upgrade and transfer the upgrades by hitting yes. Count down from the bottom of that list the number that you earlier acquired when you counted down on the armor list. This should return you back to the upgrades menu. On any upgrade, opt to turn it into Omni Gel and then quickly opt out. On any piece of armor, click the upgrade option.

Including the piece of armor you want to equip, count down the pieces of armor to the bottom of the inventory list.

To do it, try the following technique below. This will score you direct hit after admittedly cheap direct hit! Armor in Mass Effect is created for specific types of creatures and classes. Aim at the fast-moving enemy and then get out of the command wheel. Open up the command wheel when engaging them in combat. If you want to have an easier time shooting and killing fast-moving enemies such as Geth Hoppers, Geth Drones, and the like, try the following. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Mass Effect for Xbox If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. giveallarmorhuman X - Acquire all human armor where X equals the maker. To enable the console by going to Documents>BioWare>Mass Effect>Config on your computer. Find the line and beneath it enter the line ConsoleKey=Tilde. First, enable the console by going to Documents>BioWare>Mass Effect>Config on your computer. Giveall X- Acquire all of the game's gear, save armor, where X equals the maker. Mass Effect Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC Mass Effect All Console Commands List 2021 (Cheats Codes)